Philippine Independence Day

For June, I often re-run this Philippine Independence Day post.



June 12th is Philippine Independence Day. The Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934 called for a gradual handover from American control to a Filipino government, culminating in independence in 1945. That plan was interrupted by the Second World War.  The actual exchange took place on July 4th, 1946.

In 1965, President Diosdado Macapagal, seeing that Philippine independence commemorations were being overshadowed by the July 4th American Independence Day, changed the holiday to June 12th.  This was more in line with the first declaration of Philippine independence on June 12th, 1898.

On Philippine Independence Day, my thoughts turn to a fellow named Norman Sisson.  Norman was a journalist by profession, and an historian by avocation.  Norman and I both contributed to an e-magazine called Live in the Philippines.  He wrote a series of articles on historical topics ranging from the Philippine Revolution, to the Philippine /American War, to independence.

I learned quite a bit from Norman’s writings. We often had virtual conversations in the comment section of the website.  We spoke of our mutual love of history. We compared notes on the Filipino and American perspectives of Philippine historical events.  That virtual relationship led me to invite Norman to visit us on our ranch in the hills of Nueva Vizcaya. We would take a horseback ride by the fields of the local farmers and through the forested hills surrounding our place.  We would have a meal, then retire to the cool, breezy shade for a drink and a smoke.  Norman would provide fine cigars, and I would provide the whiskey.

Norman died of a heart attack in early 2016, before our visit could take place.  But I pause on Independence Day to remember him. I’ll raise a cup of good Kentucky bourbon to his memory.  Norman was often photographed puffing on a fine Havana cigar.  I trust that he would appreciate my offering of a choice between a rustic, hand rolled cigar of local manufacture, or of a Northern Cigar brand of Ilocos tobacco.

So here is a toast to Philippine independence, and to a friend I never had the chance to meet.


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